Thursday, December 16, 2010



  • After creating the application creating setup for the application and making this setup available on a cd or network resource or a website is called as deployment.
  • To create setup for your application open Ur application and then follow the sets:

  1.  within the ‘file menu—new—project   
    1. Within the new project dialog box choose ‘other’ project types and then ‘set up deployment’ and ‘set up project templet’ .
    2. After selecting the temp-let choose solution option as ‘add to solution’ and select OK.
  2. Immediately after setup project is added to the solution, file system of setup project will be opened.
  3. within the file system, ,3 folders are available::
    1. application folder: it is used to specify the files to be copied to the application folder during the installation.
                                                              i.      Click on application folder within the file-system to open it.
                                                            ii.      Right click within the application folder and then choose  ‘add project output’
                                                          iii.      Within the project output Daliaogue box, select every option and click on  OK  button, which add the exe file to ur project and any locationlised resources of Ur project to the application folder
                                                          iv.      If ur project refers to any private assemblies, the dll files of those assemblies must be added to the application folder. For this right click with in the application folder and then choose add—assembly option.
                                                            v.      Here in assembly choice browse tab and select all dll files of private assembly. And click ok
    1. users desktop::this is used to specify the shortcuts to be created on desktop during installation.
                                                              i.      One shortcut we can create on desktop is shortcut to the exe file of the project
                                                            ii.      For this open users desktop right click on it and choose create shortcut
                                                          iii.      Within the shortcut dialogue box by default application folder is opened.
                                                          iv.      Within this select ‘primary output’ and click ok
    1. users program menu: it is used to specify the shortcuts within the programs menu of the start menu during the installation
                                                              i.      first to create a folder for ur application within the programs menu right click within the users program menu and then choose add folder
                                                            ii.      within the folder right click and choose create shortcut within this folder
  1. within the file-system by right clicking on the file system on target machine and then choosing the add special folder option we can add the special folders like:
    1. fonts
    2. program files
    3. system
    4. windows and
    5. global assembly cache
  2. along with the file system, setup also provides other tools like :
    1. registry
    2. files types
    3. user interface
    4. custom actions and
    5. launch conditions
  3. open build menu and then choose ‘build setup project’ to build the setup project and create setup for ur application.

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